Internal Medicine

Dr. Batool Hussaini, MD

Dr. Batool Hussaini has been providing services to her community for twenty five years. From the beginning, her main motive has been to provide services to a community of people who recently migrated to the United States. She focuses on women and children, who, because of language barriers, would otherwise not understand their healthcare needs. She is proud to be able to offer her community state of the art medical technology. Now, she is happy to provide services in nine different locations throughout Brooklyn and Queens in neighborhoods that are heavily populated with South Asians. She, along with her team of Board Certified doctors and paramedical staff are bilingual and are NCQA PCMH certified, meaning Best Medical Care offers a centralized healthcare system for each individual patient where each patient’s entire healthcare from beginning to end is managed.

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136-21 Hillside Ave,
Richmond Hill, NY 11418

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Phone: (718) 850-1673
Fax: (718) 477-5300

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Best Medical Care

The mission of Best Medical Care is to foster continual improvement in urban community health through the delivery of quality and accessible medical care in a cost effective manner.


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