Best Medical Care is currently offering two forms of COVID-19 testing at all locations – the PCR (Nasal Swab) test and the Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test). Please read below FAQ for more information regarding these COVID-19 tests offered at Best Medical Care.
What do these COVID-19 tests detect?
PCR (Nasal Swab): This test will detect if you are actively infected with the COVID-19 virus.
Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test): This test will detect if you have had prior exposure to COVID-19 and have built an antibody for the virus. For most viral illnesses, a positive antibody means prior exposure to a virus and some degree of immunity to future infection. As COVID-19 is a novel (new) infection, it is unclear if a positive antibody definitively offers immunity. Most experts agree it likely does, however the recommendation is to still practice universal precautions.
What criteria do I need to meet to receive one of these tests?
PCR (Nasal Swab):
– If you are actively experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as…
– Fever
– Persistent cough
– Shortness of breath
– Body aches
– Loss of sense of smell or taste
– You are a healthcare worker, first responder, or a Best Medical Care Occupational Medicine client.
– If your employer requires a negative test to demonstrate you are not actively carrying the virus.
– If you had tested positive for COVID-19 and want to see if you are no longer actively carrying the virus.
– If you believe you have recently (within past 14 days) have come in contact with someone who has COVID-19.
Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test):
– If you previously had COVID-19 symptoms (Fever, persistent cough, shortness of breath, body aches) and have recovered after 14 days.
– If you received a positive test result for COVID-19 and have recovered after 14 days.
– If you believe you have come in contact with someone who had the COVID-19 virus.
How are these tests administered?
PCR (Nasal Swab): Administered via a nasal swab.
Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test): Administered via a blood sample.
How long will it take to receive my results and how do I view them?
PCR (Nasal Swab): Generally, it will take 3-5 days to receive your results. Your results can be viewed via your Best Medical Care Patient Portal account. You will receive a text message or email with a link to our portal.
Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test): Generally, it will take 3-5 days to receive your antibody results. Your results can be viewed via your Best Medical Care Patient Portal account. You will receive a text message or email with a link to our portal.
See below links for information on how to understand your COVID-19 test results.
– PCR (Nasal Swab) Test Results
– Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test) Results
What platform do you use for testing?
All Serology (Antibody) and Molecular/PCR tests are sent to our commercial lab partners. For serology, our lab partners use the Abbott Architect platform which has FDA Emergency Use Authorization. For PCR, our national lab partners use the Roche Cobas or PANTHER Hologic platform which also has FDA Emergency Use Authorization.
What locations can I visit for these COVID-19 tests?
You can visit all open Best Medical Care locations for these tests. Click here to find a Best Medical Care near you.
How much do each of these tests cost?
Per the CARES Act, Best Medical Care is not collecting copayments for COVID-19 related visits. Best Medical Care does not bill for lab testing and inquiries regarding lab bills should discussed directly with the lab partner.
If you have specific concerns, you may want to call your insurance provider ahead of your visit to confirm they will cover the cost of your Best Medical Care visit and test.
What precautions do I take based on my results of these tests?
PCR (Nasal Swab):
– Negative: Continue to exercise universal precautions such as social distancing, quarantining, frequent hand washing, wearing of a mask or face cloth in public, and other CDC guideline recommendations.
– Positive: Stay home, separate yourself from others in your home, continue to monitor your symptoms, call 911 if you have an emergency.
Serum Antibody IgG (Blood Test): Regardless of your results, you should continue to exercise universal precautions such as social distancing, quarantining, frequent hand washing, wearing of a mask or face cloth in public, and other CDC guideline recommendations. Remember, COVID-19 is a new infection, and it is unclear if a positive antibody definitively offers immunity.