Quest Labs will report your results as:
Positive: You produced the COVID-19 IgG antibody and have a high likelihood of prior infection. Some patients with past infections may not have experienced any symptoms. It is unclear at this time if a positive IgG infers immunity against future COVID-19 infection. Please continue with universal precautions: social distancing, hand washing and when applicable PPE such as masks or gloves.
Negative: You tested negative for COVID-19 IgG antibody. This means you have not been infected with COVID-19. Please note, it may take 14-21 days to produce detectable levels of IgG following infection. If you had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within the past 3 weeks and tested negative, repeat testing in 1-2 weeks may yield a positive result.
Equivocal: Your test results could not be interpreted as Positive or Negative. The most common reasons for equivocal results are presence of an immune response but unclear if against the infection being tested for (COVID-19 in this case) or similar infections (the common cold is a type of coronavirus). If indicated, a repeat test may yield more reliable results.
Sunrise Labs will report your results as:
≥ 1.4: This is a positive result and has a high likelihood of prior infection. Some patients with past infections may not have experienced symptoms. It is unclear at this time if a positive IgG infers immunity against future COVID-19 infection. Please continue with universal precautions: social distancing, hand washing and when applicable PPE such as masks or gloves.
<1.4: This is a negative result. A common question is “My result was 1.3, does that mean I produced a little IgG and could be positive?” The answer is no. This should be interpreted as negative. This means you have not been infected with COVID-19. Please note, it may take 14-21 days to produce detectable levels of IgG. If you had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within the past 3 weeks and tested negative, repeat testing in 1-2 weeks may yield a positive result.